Thanks to the popularity and widespread success of ChatGPT, most IT users are familiar with the concept of a large language model (LLM). But how does an LLM apply to network operations?
If you don’t know what you’re operating on, or what the expected output range might be, then maybe you ought not to be operating on that data in the first place. But now these languages have gotten into the wild and we’ll never be able to hunt them down and kill them soon enough for my liking, or for the greater good.
We then analyze ten data sets spanning industry and academic sources, across four years (2019-2023), to find and explain discrepancies based on data sources, vantage points, methods, and parameters.
Phishing attacks, which trick users into sharing private data, have been a major security threat for years. According to a 2023 FBI report, it is the top digital crime type.
A test account that’s shared among many can be used by anyone who happens to have the password. This leaves a trail of poorly managed or unmanaged accounts that only increases your attack surface.
As radio host Mark Davis put it recently, “ultimately everything AI does is go in search of something that some human being said or wrote sometime.”
One of the most exciting recent developments in web performance is Zstandard (zstd) — a new compression algorithm that we have found compresses data 42% faster than Brotli while maintaining almost the same compression levels.
In this paper, we introduce a generic security model for Web services based on three dimensions of resolution, transaction, and identification.
For generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) models, the concept of the Promethean dilemma has so far been discussed, starting with whether general access to GenAI systems should be permitted for public use, given their black box nature and tendency to confabulate.
All crypto assets in 2024 amounted to only 0.5% of the world’s money supply. But they have enabled a lot of troublesome speculative behavior as well as illicit activities such as money laundering and tax evasion, financial scandals, illegal gambling, and financing of terrorism and the drug trade. Some governments would like to provide alternatives.
Threat actors can often find targeting certain organizations too much of a challenge. So they need to go through what we can consider back channels—suppliers, vendors, or service providers.
Most exploitable GPU vulnerabilities are in the implementation of the GPU kernel mode modules. These modules are pieces of code that load/unload during runtime, extending functionality without the need to reboot the device.
Memory safety vulnerabilities remain a pervasive threat to software security. At Google, we believe the path to eliminating this class of vulnerabilities at scale and building high-assurance software lies in Safe Coding, a secure-by-design approach that prioritizes transitioning to memory-safe languages.
Session hijacking looks quite different these days. No longer network-based, modern session hijacking is an identity-based attack performed over the public internet targeting cloud-based apps and services.