Archive for 2018
Optimal Route Reflection: Next Hop Self
Recently, I posted a video short take I did on BGP optimal route reflection. A reader wrote in the comments to that post:
…why can’t Router set next hop self to updates to router E and avoid this suboptimal path?
To answer this question, it is best to return to the scene of the suboptimality—
To describe the problem again: A and C are sending the same route to B, which is a route reflector. B selects the best path from its perspective, which is through B, and sends this route to each of its clients. In this case, E will learn the path with a next hop of A, even though the path through C is closer from E’s perspective. In the video, I discuss several ways to solve this problem; one option I do not talk about is allowing B to set the next hop to itself. Would this work?
Before answering the question, however, it is important to make one observation: I have drawn this network with B as a router in the forwarding path. In many networks, the route reflector is a virtual machine, or a *nix host, and is not capable of forwarding the traffic required to self the next-hop to itself. There are many advantages to intentionally removing the route reflector from the forwarding path. So while setting nexthop-self might work in this situation, it will not work in all situations.
But will it work in this situation? Not necessarily. The shortest path, for D, is through C, rather than through A. B setting its next hop to itself is going to draw E’s traffic towards 100::/64 towards itself, which is still the longer path from E’s perspective. So while there are situations where setting nexthop-self will resolve this problem, this particular network is not one of them.
Research: BGP Routers and Parrots
The BGP specification suggests implementations should have three tables: the adj-rib-in, the loc-rib, and the adj-rib-out. The first of these three tables should contain the routes (NLRIs and attributes) transmitted by each of the speaker’s peers. The second table should contain the calculated best paths; these are the routes that will be (or are) installed in the local routing table and used to build a forwarding table. The third table contains the routes which have been sent to each peering speaker. Why three tables? Routing protocols standards are (sometimes—not always) written to provide the maximum clarity to how the protocol works to someone who is writing an implementation. Not every table or process described in the specification is implemented, or implemented the way it is described.
What happens when you implement things in a different way than the specification describes? In the case of BGP and the three RIBs, you can get duplicated BGP updates. What do parrots and BGP have in common describes two situations where the lack of a adj-rib-out can cause duplicate BGP updates to be sent.
The authors of this paper begin by observing BGP updates from a full feed off the default free zone. The configuration of the network, however, is designed to provide not only the feed from a BGP speaker, but also the routes received by a BGP speaker, as shown in the illustration below.
In this figure, all the labeled routers are in separate BGP autonomous systems, and the links represent physical connections as well as eBGP sessions. The three BGP updates received by D are stored in three different logs which are time stamped so they can be correlated. The researchers found two instances where duplicate BGP updates were received at D.
In the first case, the best path at C switches between A and B because of the Multiple Exit Discriminator (MED), but the remainder of the update remains the same. C, however, strips the MED before transmitting the route to D, so D simply sees what appears to be duplicate updates. In the second case, the next hop changes because of an implicit withdraw based on a route change for the previous best path. For instance, C might choose A as the best path, but then A implicitly withdraws its path, leaving the path through B as the best. When this occurs, C recalculates the best path and sends it to D; since the next hop is stripped when C advertises the new route to D, this appears to be a duplicate at D.
In both of these cases, if C had an adj-rib-out, it would find the duplicate advertisement and squash it. However, since C has no record of what it has sent to D in the past, it must send information about all local best path changes to D. While this might seem like a trivial amount of processing, these additional updates can add enough load during link flap situations to make a material difference in processor utilization or speed of convergence.
Why do implementors decide not to include an adj-rib-out in their implementations, or why, when one is provided, do operators disable the adj-rib-out? Primarily because the adj-rib-out consumes local memory; it is cheaper to push the work to a peer than it is to keep local state that might only rarely be used. This is a classic case of reducing the complexity of the local implementation by pushing additional state (and hence complexity) into the overall system. The authors of the paper suggest a better balance might be achieved if implementations kept a small cache of the most recent updates transmitted to an adjacent speaker; this would allow the implementation to reduce memory usage, while also allowing it to prevent repeating recent updates.
CAA Records and Site Security
The little green lock—now being deprecated by some browsers—provides some level of comfort for many users when entering personal information on a web site. You probably know the little green lock means the traffic between the host and the site is encrypted, but you might not stop to ask the fundamental question of all cryptography: using what key? The quality of an encrypted connection is no better than the quality and source of the keys used to encrypt the data carried across the connection. If the key is compromised, then entire encrypted session is useless.
So where does the key pair come from to encrypt the session between a host and a server? The session key used for symmetric cryptography on each session is obtained using the public key of the server (thus through asymmetric cryptography). How is the public key of the server obtained by the host? Here is where things get interesting.
The older way of doing things was for a list of domains who were trusted to provide a public key for a particular server was carried in HTTP. The host would open a session with a server, which would then provide a list of domains where its public key could be found in the opening HTTP packets. The host would then find one of those hosts, and hence the server’s public key. From there, the host could create the correct nonce and other information to form a session key with the server. If you are quick on the security side, you might note a problem with this solution: if the HTTP session itself is somehow hijacked early in the setup process, a man-in-the-middle could substitute its own host list for the one the server provides. Once this substitution is done, the MITM could set up perfectly valid encrypted sessions with both the host and the server, funneling traffic between them. The MITM now has full access to the unencrypted data flowing through the session, even though the traffic is encrypted as it flows over the rest of the ‘net.
To solve this problem, a new method for finding the server’s public key was designed around 2010. In this method, the host requests the Certificate Authority Authorization (CAA) record from the server’s DNS server. This record lists the domains who are authorized to provide a public key, or certificate, for the servers within a domain. Thus, if you purchase your certificates from BigCertProvider, you would list BigCertProvider’s domain in your CAA. The host can then find the correct DNS record, and retrieve the correct certificate from the DNS system. This cuts out the possibility of a MITM attacking the HTTP session during the initial setup phases. If DNSSEC is deployed, the DNS records should also be secured, preventing MITM attacks from that angle, as well.
The paper under review today examines the deployment of CAA records in the wild, to determine how widely CAAs are deployed and used.
In this paper, a group of researchers put the CAA system to the test to see just how reliable the information is. In their first test, they attempted to request certificates that would cause the issuer to issue invalid certificates in some way; they found that many certificate providers will, in fact, issue such invalid certificates for various reasons. For instance, in one case, they discovered a defect in the provider’s software that allowed their automated system to issue invalid certificates.
In their second test, they examined the results of DNS queries to determine if DNS operators were supporting and returning CAA certificates. They discovered that very few certificate authorities deploy security controls on CAA lookups, leaving open the possibility of the lookups themselves being hijacked. Finally, they examine the deployment of CAA in the wild by web site operators. They found CAA is not widely deployed, with CAA records covering around 40,000 domains. DNSSEC and CAA deployment generally overlap, pointing to a small section of the global ‘net that is concerned about the security of their web sites.
Overall, the results of this study were not heartening for the overall security of the ‘net. While the HTTP based mechanism of discovering a server’s certificate is being deprecated, not many domains have started deploying the CAA infrastructure to replace it—in fact, only a small number of DNS providers support users entering their CAA certificate into their domain records.
Research: Measuring IP Liveness
Of the 4.2 billion IPv4 addresses available in the global space, how many are used—or rather, how many are “alive?” Given the increasing usage of IPv6, it might seem this is an unimportant question. Answering the question, however, resolves to another question that is actually more important: how can you determine whether or not an IP address is in use? This question might seem easy to answer: ping every address in the address space. This, however, turns out to be the wrong answer.
Scanning the Internet for Liveness. SIGCOMM Comput. Commun. Rev. 48, 2 (May 2018), 2-9. DOI:
This answer is wrong because a substantial number of systems do not respond to ICMP requests. According to this paper, in fact, some 16% of the hosts they discovered that would respond to a TCP SYN, and another 2% that would respond to a UDP packet shaped to connect to a service, do not respond to ICMP requests. There are a number of possible reasons for this situation, including hosts being placed behind devices that block ICMP packets, hosts being configured not to respond to ICMP requests, or a server sitting behind a PAT or CGNAT device that only passes through service requests rather than all packets.
The paper begins by building a taxonomy of liveness, describing the process they use to determine if an address is in use or not, as shown in the image replicated from the paper.
One problem of note is that address usage can shift over time; between trying to use ICMP and a TCP SYN to determine if an IP address is in use, the device connected to that address can change. To limit the impact of this problem, the researchers sent each kind of liveness test to the same address close together in time. The authors then attempt to cross reference the liveness indicated using different techniques to an overall view of liveness for a particular address.
The research resulted in a number of interesting observations, such as the 16% of hosts that respond to TCP SYN probes on some port, but do not respond to ICMP requests. The kinds of ICMP and TCP responses was also quite interesting; many TCP implementations do not seem compliant to the TCP specification in how they respond to a SYN request.
Along the way, the authors added new capabilities to ZMap which allow them to perform these measurements. The tool they used has a web based frontend, and can be accessed here.
The results are interesting for network operators because they indicate the kinds of work required to find all the devices attached to a network using IP addresses—a mass ping utility is simply not enough. The tools developed here, and the lessons learned, can be added to the set of tools used by operators in all networks to better understand their IP address usage, and the shape of their networks.
BGP Hijacks: Two more papers consider the problem
The security of the global Default Free Zone DFZ) has been a topic of much debate and concern for the last twenty years (or more). Two recent papers have brought this issue to the surface once again—it is worth looking at what these two papers add to the mix of what is known, and what solutions might be available. The first of these—
Demchak, Chris, and Yuval Shavitt. 2018. “China’s Maxim – Leave No Access Point Unexploited: The Hidden Story of China Telecom’s BGP Hijacking.” Military Cyber Affairs 3 (1).
—traces the impact of Chinese “state actor” effects on BGP routing in recent years.
Whether these are actual attacks, or mistakes from human error for various reasons generally cannot be known, but the potential, at least, for serious damage to companies and institutions relying on the DFZ is hard to overestimate. This paper lays out the basic problem, and the works through a number of BGP hijacks in recent years, showing how they misdirected traffic in ways that could have facilitated attacks, whether by mistake or intentionally. For instance, quoting from the paper—
- Starting from February 2016 and for about 6 months, routes from Canada to Korean government sites were hijacked by China Telecom and routed through China.
- On October 2016, traffic from several locations in the USA to a large Anglo-American bank
- headquarters in Milan, Italy was hijacked by China Telecom to China.
- Traffic from Sweden and Norway to the Japanese network of a large American news organization was hijacked to China for about 6 weeks in April/May 2017.
What impact could such a traffic redirection have? If you can control the path of traffic while a TLS or SSL session is being set up, you can place your server in the middle as an observer. This can, in many situations, be avoided if DNSSEC is deployed to ensure the certificates used in setting up the TLS session is valid, but DNSSEC is not widely deployed, either. Another option is to simply gather encrypted traffic and either attempt to break the key, or use data analytics to understand what the flow is doing (a side channel attack).
What can be done about these kinds of problems? The “simplest”—and most naïve—answer is “let’s just secure BGP.” There are many, many problems with this solution. Some of them are highlighted in the second paper under review—
Bonaventure, Olivier. n.d. “A Survey among Network Operators on BGP Prefix Hijacking – Computer Communication Review.” Accessed November 3, 2018.
—which illustrates the objections providers have to the many forms of BGP security that have been proposed to this point. The first is, of course, that it is expensive. The ROI of the systems proposed thus far are very low; the cost is high, and the benefit to the individual provider is rather low. There is both a race to perfection problem here, as well as a tragedy of the commons problem. The race to perfection problem is this: we will not design, nor push for the deployment of, any system which does not “solve the problem entirely.” This has been the mantra behind BGPSEC, for instance. But not only is BGPSEC expensive—I would say to the point of being impossible to deploy—it is also not perfect.
The second problem in the ROI space is the tragedy of the commons. I cannot do much to prevent other people from misusing my routes. All I can really do is stop myself and my neighbors from misusing other people’s routes. What incentive do I have to try to make the routing in my neighborhood better? The hope that everyone else will do the same. Thus, the only way to maintain the commons of the DFZ is for everyone to work together for the common good. This is difficult. Worse than herding cats.
A second point—not well understood in the security world—is this: a core point of DFZ routing is that when you hand your reachability information to someone else, you lose control over that reachability information. There have been a number of proposals to “solve” this problem, but it is a basic fact that if you cannot control the path traffic takes through your network, then you have no control over the profitability of your network. This tension can be seen in the results of the survey above. People want security, but they do not want to release the information needed to make security happen. Both realities are perfectly rational!
Part of the problem with the “more strict,” and hence (considered) “more perfect” security mechanisms proposed is simply this: they are not quiet enough. They expose far too much information. Even systems designed to prevent information leakage ultimately leak too much.
So… what do real solutions on the ground look like?
One option is for everyone to encrypt all traffic, all the time. This is a point of debate, however, as it also damages the ability of providers to optimize their networks. One point where the plumbing allegory for networking breaks down is this: all bits of water are the same. Not all bits on the wire are the same.
Another option is to rely less on the DFZ. We already seem to be heading in this direction, if Geoff Huston and other researchers are right. Is this a good thing, or a bad one? It is hard to tell from this angle, but a lot of people think it is a bad thing.
Perhaps we should revisit some of the proposed BGP security solutions, reshaping some of them into something that is more realistic and deployable? Perhaps—but the community is going to let go of the “but it’s not perfect” line of thinking, and start developing some practical, deployable solutions that don’t leak so much information.
Finally, there is a solution Leslie Daigle and I have been tilting at for a couple of years now. Finding a way to build a set of open source tools that will allow any operator or provider to quickly and cheaply build an internal system to check the routing information available in their neighborhood on the ‘net, and mix local policy with that information to do some bare bones work to make their neighborhood a little cleaner. This is a lot harder than “just build some software” for various reasons; the work is often difficult—as Leslie says, it is largely a matter of herding cats, rather than inventing new things.
Ossification and Fragmentation: The Once and Future ‘net
Mostafa Ammar, out of Georgia Tech (not my alma mater, but many of my engineering family are alumni there), recently posted an interesting paper titled The Service-Infrastructure Cycle, Ossification, and the Fragmentation of the Internet. I have argued elsewhere that we are seeing the fragmentation of the global Internet into multiple smaller pieces, primarily based on the centralization of content hosting combined with the rational economic decisions of the large-scale hosting services. The paper in hand takes a slightly different path to reach the same conclusion.
- Networks are built based on a cycle of infrastructure modifications to support services
- When new services are added, pressure builds to redesign the network to support these new services
- Networks can ossify over time so they cannot be easily modified to support new services
- This causes pressure, and eventually a more radical change, such as the fracturing of the network
The author begins by noting networks are designed to provide a set of services. Each design paradigm not only supports the services it was designed for, but also allows for some headroom, which allows users to deploy new, unanticipated services. Over time, as newer services are deployed, the requirements on the network change enough that the network must be redesigned.
This cycle, the service-infrastructure cycle, relies on a well-known process of deploying something that is “good enough,” which allows early feedback on what does and does not work, followed by quick refinement until the protocols and general design can support the services placed on the network. As an example, the author cites the deployment of unicast routing protocols. He marks the beginning of this process as 1962, when Prosser was first deployed, and then as 1995, when BGPv4 was deployed. Across this time routing protocols were invented, deployed, and revised rapidly. Since around 1995, however—a period of over 20 years at this point—routing has not changed all that much. So there were around 35 years of rapid development, followed by what is now over 20 years of stability in the routing realm.
Ossification, for those not familiar with the term, is a form of hardening. Petrified wood is an ossified form of wood. An interesting property of petrified wood is that is it fragile; if you pound a piece of “natural” wood with a hammer, it dents, but does not shatter. Petrified, or ossified, wood shatters, like glass.
Multicast routing is held up as an opposite example. Based on experience with unicast routing, the designers of multicast attempted to “anticipate” the use cases, such that early iterations were clumsy, and failed to attain the kinds of deployment required to get the cycle of infrastructure and services started. Hence multicast routing has largely failed. In other words, multicast ossified too soon; the cycle of experience and experiment was cut short by the designers trying to anticipate use cases, rather than allowing them to grow over time.
Some further examples might be:
- IETF drafts and RFCs were once short, and used few technical terms, in the sense of a term defined explicitly within the context of the RFC or system. Today RFCs are veritable books, and require a small dictionary to read.
- BGP security, which is mentioned by the author as a victim of ossification, is actually another example of early ossification destroying the experiment/enhancement cycle. Early on, a group of researchers devised the “perfect” BGP security system (which is actually by no means perfect—it causes as many security problems as it resolves), and refused to budge once “perfection” had been reached. For the last twenty years, BGP security has not notably improved; the cycle of trying and changing things has been stopped this entire time.
There are also weaknesses in this argument, as well. It can be argued that the reason for the failure of widespread multicast is because the content just wasn’t there when multicast was first considered—in fact, that multicast content still is not what people really want. The first “killer app” for multicast was replacing broadcast television over the Internet. What has developed instead is video on demand; multicast is just not compelling when everyone is watching something different whenever they want to.
The solution to this problem is novel: break the Internet up. Or rather, allow it to break up. The creation of a single network from many networks was a major milestone in the world of networking, allowing the open creation of new applications. If the Internet were not ossified through business relationships and the impossibility of making major changes in the protocols and infrastructure, it would be possible to undertake radical changes to support new challenges.
The new challenges offered include IoT, the need for content providers to have greater control over the quality of data transmission, and the unique service demands of new applications, particularly gaming. The result has been the flattening of the Internet, followed by the emergence of bypass networks—ultimately leading to the fragmentation of the Internet into many different networks.
Is the author correct? It seems the Internet is, in fact, becoming a group of networks loosely connected through IXPs and some transit providers. What will the impact be on network engineers? One likely result is deeper specialization in sets of technologies—the “enterprise/provider” divide that had almost disappeared in the last ten years may well show up as a divide between different kinds of providers. For operators who run a network that indirectly supports some other business goal (what we might call “enterprise”), the result will be a wide array of different ways of thinking about networks, and an expansion of technologies.
But one lesson engineers can certainly take away is this: the concept of agile must reach beyond the coding realm, and into the networking realm. There must be room “built in” to experiment, deploy, and enhance technologies over time. This means accepting and managing risk rather than avoiding it, and having a deeper understanding of how networks work and why they work that way, rather than the blind focus on configuration and deployment we currently teach.
IPv6 Security Considerations
When rolling out a new protocol such as IPv6, it is useful to consider the changes to security posture, particularly the network’s attack surface. While protocol security discussions are widely available, there is often not “one place” where you can go to get information about potential attacks, references to research about those attacks, potential counters, and operational challenges. In the case of IPv6, however, there is “one place” you can find all this information: draft-ietf-opsec-v6. This document is designed to provide information to operators about IPv6 security based on solid operational experience—and it is a must read if you have either deployed IPv6 or are thinking about deploying IPv6.
The draft is broken up into four broad sections; the first is the longest, addressing generic security considerations. The first consideration is whether operators should use Provider Independent (PI) or Provider Assigned (PA) address space. One of the dangers with a large address space is the sheer size of the potential routing table in the Default Free Zone (DFZ). If every network operator opted for an IPv6 /32, the potential size of the DFZ routing table is 2.4 billion routing entries. If you thought converging on about 800,000 routes is bad, just wait ‘til there are 2.4 billion routes. Of course, the actual PI space is being handed out on /48 boundaries, which makes the potential table size exponentially larger. PI space, then, is “bad for the Internet” in some very important ways.
This document provides the other side of the argument—security is an issue with PA space. While IPv6 was supposed to make renumbering as “easy as flipping a switch,” it does not, in fact, come anywhere near this. Some reports indicate IPv6 re-addressing is more difficult than IPv4. Long, difficult renumbering processes indicate many opportunities for failures in security, and hence a large attack surface. Preferring PI space over PA space becomes a matter of reducing the operational attack surface.
Another interesting question when managing an IPv6 network is whether static addressing should be used for some services, or if all addresses should be dynamically learned. There is a perception out there that because the IPv6 address space is so large, it cannot be “scanned” to find hosts to attack. As pointed out in this draft, there is research showing this is simply not true. Further, static addresses may expose specific servers or services to easy recognition by an attacker. The point the authors make here is that either way, endpoint security needs to rely on actual security mechanisms, rather than on hiding addresses in some way.
Other very useful topics considered here are Unique Local Addresses (ULAs), numbering and managing point-to-point links, privacy extensions for SLAAC, using a /64 per host, extension headers, securing DHCP, ND/RA filtering, and control plane security.
If you are deploying, or thinking about deploying, IPv6 in your network, this is a “must read” document.