Hedge 246: Complexity and Deployment
In this roundtable episode of the Hedge, Tom, Eyvonne, and Russ discuss complexity and deployment. Why do some protocols fail to deploy, or require decades, while others deploy quickly?
In this roundtable episode of the Hedge, Tom, Eyvonne, and Russ discuss complexity and deployment. Why do some protocols fail to deploy, or require decades, while others deploy quickly?
Thank you for your podcast!
I realy enjoyed this episode, it touches what I have realised after 30 years with networking and infrastructure work 🙂
Don’t know if you are familier with Cynefin, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cynefin_framework.
It makes an difference between “Complex” and “Comlicated” which I think make sense.
You want to act diffrently depending if the issue is complex or complicated.
People tend to use the word complex to much… 😉