The Hedge 51: Tim Fiola and pyNTM
Have you ever looked at your wide area network and wondered … what would the traffic flows look like if this link or that router failed? Traffic modeling of this kind is widely available in commercial tools, which means it’s been hard to play with these kinds of tools, learn how they work, and understand how they can be effective. There is, however, an open source alternative—pyNTM. While this tool won’t replace a commercial tool, it can give you “enough to go on” for many network operators, and give you the experience and understanding needed to justify springing for a commercial product.
The Hedge 49: Karen O’Donoghue and Network Time Security
Time is critical for many of the systems that make the Internet and other operational networks “go,” but we often just assume the time is there and it’s right. In this episode of the Hedge, Karen O’Donoghue joins Alvaro and Russ to talk about some of the many attacks and failures that can be caused by an incorrect time, and current and ongoing work in securing network time in the IETF.
The Hedge 50: The Challenge of Growing People
Many network engineers complain about their companies not giving them opportunities—but how many think about helping the company grow in a way that allows them to have the opportunities they desire? Scott Morris, aka “evil ccie,” joins Tom and Russ on this episode of the Hedge to talk about the challenges of certifications, growing people, and people learning how to grow in a way what improves the business. Sometimes growing means creating opportunities rather than just waiting for them to knock.
The Hedge 48: Chris Romeo and the State of Security
Chris Romeo is a famous application security expert who has spent the last several years building a consulting and training company called Security Journey. Chris joins Tom and Russ to talk about the state of security and what network engineers need to know about security from an application perspective.
The Hedge 47: Scott Burleigh and the Bundle Protocol
In this episode of the Hedge, Scott Burleigh joins Alvaro Retana and Russ White to discuss the Bundle Protocol, which is designed to support delay tolerant data delivery over intermittently available or “stressed” networks. Examples include interstellar communication, email transmission over networks where access points move around (carrying data with them), etc. You can learn more about delay tolerant networking here, and read the most recent draft specification here.
The Hedge 46: The Value of a College Degree
While many network engineers think about getting a certification, not many think about going after a degree. Is there value in getting a degree for the network engineer? If so, what is it? What kinds of things do you learn in a degree program for network engineering? Eric Osterweil, a professor at George Mason University, joins Jeremy Filliben and Russ White on this episode of the Hedge to consider degrees for network engineers.