Hedge 147: The SRE with Niall Murphy (part 1)

It seems like only yesterday we started talking about the Site Reliability Engineer, and their place in the IT ecosystem. Over the last several years, the role of the SRE has changed—and it’s bound to continue changing. On this episode of the Hedge, Niall Murphy joins Tom Ammon and Russ White to discuss the changing role of the SRE, and what the SRE could be.

Hedge September 2022 Update

Lots of interesting stuff coming up this month on the Hedge, and here at Rule11 … listen here to find out all about upcoming episodes and training.

You can register for the DC fabric training I mention in this update here.

Hedge 146: Leslie Daigle and Unwanted Traffic in the DFZ

How much of the traffic on the Internet is wasted—traffic no-one really wanted, and yet is being carried and paid for by providers and end users? In a world increasingly concerned about the waste of precious resources, this is an important topic to consider. Leslie Daigle joins Russ White and Tom Ammon on this episode of the Hedge to discuss the kinds of traffic she’s seeing hit their large-scale honey-trap, and the implications for the Internet.

Hedge 145: Roundtable on Professional Liability

The software world is known for overdue projects, costs overrun, lots of defects, and lots of failure all the way around. Many other engineering fields have stricter requirements to take on projects and liability insurance driving correct practice and care. The networking world, and the larger IT world, however, has neither of these things. Does this make IT folks less likely to “do the right thing,” or is the self-regulation we have today enough? Join Tom Ammon, Eyvonne Sharp, and Russ White as they discuss the possibilities of professional liability in information technology.

Hedge 144: IPv6 Lessons Learned

We don’t often do a post-mortem on the development and deployment of new protocols … but here at the Hedge we’re going to brave these deep waters to discuss some of the lessons we can learn from the development and deployment of IPv6, especially as they apply to design and deployment cycles in the “average network” (if there is such at thing). Join us as James Harr, Tom Ammon, and Russ White consider the lessons we can learn from IPv6’s checkered history.

Hedge 142: George Michaelson and the Pace of IPv6 Deployment

IPv6 is still being deployed, years after the first world IPv6 day, even more years after its first acceptance as an Internet standard by the IETF. What is taking so long? George Michaelson (APNIC) joins Tom Ammon and Russ White on this episode of the Hedge to discuss the current pace of IPv6 deployment, where there are wins, and why things might be moving more slowly in other areas.
